Lavender: The health benefits of lavender essential oil include its ability to eliminate nervous tension, relieve pain, disinfect the scalp and skin, enhance blood circulation and treat respiratory problems. The smell of lavender essential oil is potent for many types of bugs like mosquitoes, midges, and moths. Lavender essential oil induces sleep which has made it a common recommendation for an alternative treatment of insomnia. Frequent studies on elderly patients have shown an increase in their sleep regularity when their normal sleep medication is replaced with some lavender essential oil being placed on their pillows. It has such a relaxing impact on people that it can often replace modern medicine for sleep issues. Lavender essential oil has a calming scent which makes it an excellent tonic for the nerves and anxiety issues. Therefore, it can also be helpful in treating migraines, headaches,depression, nervous tension and emotional stress. The refreshing aroma removes nervous exhaustion and restlessness while also increasing mental activity. It has a well-researched impact on the autonomic nervous system, which is why it is frequently used as a treatment for insomnia and also as a way to regulate heart-rate variability. According to dermatologists and aromatherapists, lavender essential oil is one of the most beneficial oils in the treatment of acne. Lavender essential oil inhibits the bacteria that cause the initial infection, helps to regulate some of the over-excretion of sebum by hormonal manipulation, and can reduce the signs of scarring after the acne has begun to heal. Lavender essential oil is known as an excellent remedy for various types of pains including those caused by sore and tense muscles, muscular aches, rheumatism, sprains,backache and lumbago. A regular massage with lavender oil can also provide relief from pain in the joints. Lavender oil is useful for digestion because it increases the mobility of food within the intestine. The oil also stimulates the production of gastric juices and bile, thus aiding in the treatment of indigestion, stomach pain, colic, flatulence, vomiting and diarrhea. Regular use of lavender essential oil provides resistance to a variety of diseases. It is well-known that lavender has and antiviral qualities that make it perfect for defending the body against rare diseases like TB, typhoid, and diphtheria.
Lecithin: When taken as a dietary supplement it can help improve the strength and function of the heart, can aid cognitive functions like memory retention and logical reasoning, and might also reduce inflammation and internal swelling. People sometimes also apply it topically to moisturize dry skin, and when used as a food additive it has the potential to be a very beneficial thickener or emulsifier. Though supplementation is safe for most people, it is not without its side effects; especially for those allergic to soy. Reactions mostly arise in the case of excessive consumption, and include vomiting, dizziness, nausea, headache, and gastrointestinal discomfort. Since the foods that naturally contain it also tend to be high in fat, weight gain is common among people who seek to boost their intake through regular consumption of these things. In most cases this isn’t a side effect of the compound as much as it is the vehicle through which it is delivered.
Leeks: Leeks have much to offer in the way of good health and, like garlic, it's thought that much of their therapeutic effect comes from its sulfur-containing compounds, such as allicin. Allicin is not only antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal, but research has revealed that as allicin digests in your body, it produces sulfenic acid, a compound that neutralize dangerous free radicals faster than any other known compound. Leeks also contain kaempferol, a natural flavonol that's also found in broccoli, kale, and cabbage. Kaempferol is impressive in its broad yet powerful potential to boost human health. Research has linked it not only to a lower risk of cancer but also a lower risk of numerous chronic diseases. Leeks contain notable quantities of vitamins A and K, along with healthy amounts of folic acid, niacin, riboflavin, magnesium, and thiamin. Adequate intake of leeks during pregnancy may help prevent neural tube defects in newborns. B vitamins in leeks, in particular, may support heart health by keeping levels of homocysteine in balance to reduce the risk of elevated levels of heart disease, blood clots, and stroke.
Lemon: The health benefits of lemon include treatment of throat infections, indigestion, constipation, dental problems, and fever, internal bleeding, rheumatism, burns, obesity, respiratory disorders, cholera and high blood pressure, while it also benefits hair and skin care. Known for its therapeutic property since generations, lemon helps to strengthen your immune system, cleanse your stomach, and it is considered a blood purifier. Lemon juice, especially, has several health benefits associated with it. It is well known as a useful treatment for kidney stones, reducing strokes and lowering body temperature. As a refreshing drink, lemonade helps you to stay calm and cool. The health benefits of lemons are due to its many nourishing elements like vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin E, folate, niacin thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus and protein. Lemon is a fruit that contains flavonoids, which are composites that contain antioxidant and cancer fighting properties. It helps to prevent diabetes, constipation, high blood pressure, fever, indigestion and many other problems, as well as improving the skin, hair, and teeth. Studies show that lemonade or lemon juice can eliminate the occurrence of kidney stones by forming urinary citrate, which prevents the formation of crystals. The scent of lemon can also repel mosquitoes, while drinking lemon juice with olive oil helps to get rid of gallstones. Lemon is well known for its medicinal power and is used in many different ways. It also prevents joint inflammation that causes arthritis.
Lemongrass: Lemongrass offers a wide array of medicinal benefits and is in extensive demand due to its antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial properties. Lemongrass contains antioxidants, flavonoids and phenolic compounds such as luteolin, glycosides, quercetin, kaempferol, elemicin, catechol, chlorogenic acid, and caffeic acid, all of which help in providing an impressive range of medicinal aids. The main component of lemongrass is lemonal or citral, which has antifungal and antimicrobial qualities, while also providing a distinct lemony smell. The health benefits of lemongrass include relief from stomach disorders, insomnia, respiratory disorders, fever, aches, infections, rheumatism and edema. The defensive antioxidant activity of the lemongrass herb protects against antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and helps in maintaining optimum cholesterol levels, cellular health, nervous system, healthy skin and immune system. Lemongrass is also effective in treating type 2 diabetes,cancer, and obesity, while also aiding in detoxification. It is extensively used in aromatherapy and helps to combat fatigue, anxiety and body odor. It is a source of essential vitamins such as vitamin A, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin) B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), folate and vitamin C. It also provides essential minerals such as potassium, calcium,magnesium, phosphorous, manganese, copper, zinc and iron, which are required for the healthy functioning of the human body. It offers no harmful cholesterol or fats.
Lentils: The health benefits of lentils include a high protein content, improved digestion, a healthy heart, diabetes control, control of cancer, weight loss, a solution for anemia, muscle generation and better electrolytic activity due to potassium. It is good for pregnant women, the prevention of atherosclerosis, and it helps in maintaining a healthy nervous system. Lentils are the highest source of plant protein. They are a rich source of essential amino acids like isoleucine and lysine. They are also a good source of micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals. They are a good source of dietary fiber and also have a low amount of calories. Other nutritious components found are molybdenum, folate, tryptophan,manganese, iron, phosphorus, copper, vitamin B1, and potassium.
Lettuce: Lettuce contains moisture, energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and sugars. The minerals and vitamins found in lettuce include calcium, iron,magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, zinc along with vitamins like thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, vitamin B-6, C, A, E, and vitamin K. Some of the health benefits of lettuce include lowering cholesterol levels, cancer control, protection of neurons, sleep induction, anxiety control, lowering inflammation, and providing a supply of antioxidants. One can find instances of the plant being prescribed as a medicine for several diseases in the Unani medicine system as well. It was prescribed for bilius eructation, disturbed blood pressure, loss of appetite, insomnia, as a tonic for the intestines and digestive system, and as a method to stop sexual urges. The dried latex of lettuce was prescribed for inducing sleep, and was used as nasal drops, a sedative, an anti-spasmodic, and anodyne.
Licorice: The health benefits of licorice include relief from canker sores, stomach disorders, respiratory ailments, premenstrual syndrome, peptic ulcers, menopausal symptoms and it helps in fighting various kinds of infections such as herpes, HIV, hepatitis and shingles. It is also effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, tuberculosis, neurological disorders, female fertility, and obesity, while also helping to maintain healthy levels of cholesterol. Licorice extracts contains phytoestrogens, which promote detoxification, healthy skin and hair, dental health, and immune defense. It also helps combat body odor and depression.
Lucuma: Lucuma is a super fruit that has been eaten by Peruvians since 200 A.D. and can now can be found as a powder in a lot of countries. lucuma is rich in beta-carotene, an important source of vitamin A which our bodies need for better eyesight, promoting cellular growth, and even helping with immune system reactions. Beta carotene may protect against other cancers as well, including esophageal, liver, pancreatic, colon, rectal, prostate, ovarian, and cervical cancers due to its potency as an antioxidant. Lucuma can sweeten foods without spiking blood sugar. Also, rich in iron,zinc, calcium,protein and vitamin B3 which aids in digestion, muscle development, and the regulation of stress and sex hormones. Lucuma has Wound Healing and anti-Inflammatory agents, This super fruit can also prevent colds, flu, and other viral or bacterial diseases.
Lychee: Far more nutrients are present in dried lychee than in fresh lychee, so if you want to consume this for your overall health, forgo the sweet smell and allow the fruit to dry. Most vitamin and mineral contents more than double when eaten as a dried fruit. Lychee is packed with health benefits, but they come from the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in the fruit, including vitamin C,vitamin B6, niacin, riboflavin, folate, copper, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, and manganese. Furthermore, lychee is a great source of dietary fiber, protein, and a good source of proanthocyanidins and polyphenolic compounds. Health benefits include its ability to boost the immune system, prevent cancer, improve digestion, build strong bones, lower blood pressure, defend the body against viruses, improve circulation, aid in weight loss, protect the skin, and optimize metabolic activities.