Walnuts: Walnuts are a great source of the healthy omega-3 essential fatty acids (found to help protect the heart), help promote better cognitive function and provide anti-inflammatory benefits for asthma, rheumatoid arthritis eczema and psoriasis. They also contain the antioxidant compound ellagic acid which is known to fight cancer and support the immune system. And the have been found to help maintain or increase the elasticity of the arteries resulting in a lowering of blood pressure.

Watercress: The health benefits of watercress are providing nutrition, boosting immunity, cancer preventive, and thyroid support. These health benefits begin with a single serving of watercress as a dietary supplement. Weight for weight, watercress contains more vitamin C than an orange, more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach and more folate than bananas.  Each phyto nutrient is where the health benefits of watercress are contained. These phytonutrients and their benefits will now be discussed. Watercress contains vitamin A,vitamin B6, B12, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus which are all required for a healthy body. Watercress has such effective cancer preventive phytonutrient that even eating a single salad shows increase of molecules into the body’s circulatory system that may prevent and stop the recurrence of breast cancer. Another study on the anti carcinogenic abilities of watercress showed great benefit when added to the diet as a cancer preventive for stomach and lung cancer as well. Watercress is rich in vitamin C that may also be beneficial in reducing oxidative stress caused by cancer in high concentrations and preventing tumors. Folate also is associated with low risk of cancer, preventing birth defects and improving overall daily health. Intake of folate containing food such as watercress may help in reducing risk of depression, stroke, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, osteoporosis, cognitive decline and neural tube deficiency in babies. Folates are also an effective antidepressant, help prevent stroke and prevent cognitive decline. The nutrients in watercress are also beneficial to women in the postmenopausal years to improve cognition and reduce risk of osteoporosis.

Watermelon: The health benefits of watermelon include the prevention of kidney disorders, high blood pressure, the prevention of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, heat stroke, macular degeneration and impotence. The long list of healthy or beneficial effects of watermelons are mainly derived from its unique nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and organic compounds. These include significant amounts of vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, fiber, protein, and a very large amount of potassium. Furthermore, they contain vitamin A, vitamin B6, niacin, thiamin, and a wide variety of carotenoids and phytonutrients, including lycopene.

Wheat: Wheat is probably the most common cereal available all over the world and is in even higher demand in recent years due to its abundant health benefits. Wheat is rich in catalytic elements, mineral salts, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, chlorine, arsenic, silicon, manganese, zinc, iodide, copper, vitamin B, and vitamin E. This wealth of nutrients is why wheat is often used as a cultural base or foundation of nourishment. Issues like anemia, mineral deficiencies, gallstones, breast cancer, chronic inflammation, obesity, asthenia, tuberculosis, pregnancy problems and breastfeeding problems are quickly improved by consuming whole wheat. Wheat is also recommended to treat sterility. Since germinated wheat comprises 2 or 3 times more vitamin B than common wheat; the seeds are used for useful for treating gastrointestinal conditions, skin diseases, respiratory illnesses, and cardiovascular ailments. Wheat is also known to help balance cholesterol levels and protect the heart.

Wheatgrass: The health benefits of wheatgrass only came to light when the people of the western world first consumed it in the 1930s. There were many experiments by the agricultural chemist Charles F. Schnabel that were conducted using the herb. Wheatgrass is usually harvested before the wheat plant grows and turns brown. Wheatgrass has proven to be one of the best health-reviving herbs and its benefits include the treatment of bowel problems, high blood pressure, nausea, constipation, and acidity. It also aids in weight loss, oral care, and detoxification of the body. The basic benefit of the herb is that it is helpful in treating issues in the gastrointestinal tract. It is also known to ease the problems that occur in the bowels. It also has the properties of treating rectal bleeding and stimulating smooth bowel movements, while reducing constipation. Wheatgrass can be consumed in the form of powder, which has high amounts of chlorophyll. This chlorophyll is responsible for the detoxification of the body. Apart from the detoxification, it also ensures that there is an increased amount of oxygen sent to every cell. Cancer-causing agents are also nullified by chlorophyll, so wheatgrass defends the body from harmful carcinogens, thereby preventing malfunctioning and premature aging. Wheatgrass is also said to be extremely nutritious and only two ounces of the herb contains the same amount of nutrients present in four pounds of organic vegetables. Therefore, instead of chomping on unhealthy junk food, you can have wheatgrass instead to greatly improve your overall health. The toxins present in the gums and teeth are also removed when you gargle with the juice squeezed from wheatgrass. Some researchers have also shown that wheatgrass juice encourages weight loss, since it is rich in fiber content. It also provides the body with so much energy that the excess fat caused by an improper diet comprised of junk food is burnt out, resulting in weight loss. The consumption of wheatgrass also lowers the blood pressure because the count of red blood cells is increased, which also subsequently reduces the risk of various harmful cardiac diseases.

Wormwood: The health benefits of Wormwood Essential Oilcan be attributed to its properties as an anti-helmitic, cholagogue, deodorant, digestive, emenagogue, febrifuge, insecticide, narcotic, vermifuge, and tonic substance. Wormwood is also known as Green Ginger and Absinthium. In the past, it was actually used in alcoholic drinks such as Absinthe (now banned) to add to its taste and intoxication, since wormwood itself has narcotic effects. The Essential Oil of Wormwood is extracted by steam distillation of its leaves, twigs, and flowering tops and is chiefly composed of alpha thujone, beta thujone, geranyl propionate, linalyl acetate, myrcene, sabinene, trans sabinol, and trans sabinyl acetate. You should know that the Essential Oil of Wormwood is a potent poison, due to presence of high concentration of thujone in it. More precisely, it is actually a neurotoxin. So, extreme care should be taken while using wormwood for medicinal purposes and prolonged use should be avoided. Its property of stimulating discharges makes wormwood essential oil an emenagogue. It stimulates menstrual discharges and help to open obstructed menstruation. This is very beneficial from the point of view of health since obstructed menstruation can give rise to some critical health problems in women, including uterine tumors and cancer. The emmenagogue property of Wormwood Essential Oil helps get rid of problems like headaches, abdominal cramps and ache, nausea, fatigue, lack of appetite, and make periods more regular. The toxic property of certain components like alpha thujone and beta thujone of Wormwood Essential Oil help fight infections, as they kill microbes and inhibit their growth. They are also fatal for viruses and bacteria, which give fevers. Wormwood essential oil thereby aids in the reduction of fever, making this oil a febrifuge. The Essential Oil of Wormwood is a tonic that tones up the organic systems and also fortifies the body. It tones up digestion and helps in the proper absorption of nutrients in the body. Then, it tones up circulation and helps in the proper and uniform distribution of nutrients throughout the body. Again, it tones up the excretory system and keeps our body free of unwanted materials and toxins. Its toning effect on the endocrine system helps in proper growth and maturity and it also maintains the proper discharge of hormones and enzymes. By toning up the nervous system, it keeps us more active and alert. The immune system is also toned up by this oil, which provides effective protection against infections and diseases.